Skill List: Minstrel

Healing Song

Skill Healing Song Level 1

Magic Device/Staff/Bowgun/Bow/2-Handed Sword/Katana only







Combo start


Combo middle





A break for travelers. Natural Regen increases when not in combat. The effect increases when used continuously.
Cannot be sung at the same time with other songs.


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Skill Level:
Number of stacks:
"Guitarist" Registlet Level:

Skill Effect:
  • Grants Healing Song buff to the caster and their party members upon cast; the caster will also enter Strumming Mode
  • Healing Song buff starts at 1 stack, and can be stacked up to a maximum of 10 stacks; recasting this skill will reset the stacks to 1

  • Strumming Mode Effects: Grants the following effects during Strumming Mode:
  • Increase Healing Song buff stack by 1 every 12 seconds until reaching max stacks
  • Movement Speed of the caster is halved
  • Upon attacking, using a skill, or getting hit, the caster will switch to Ad-lib Mode

  • Ad-lib Mode Effects: Grants the following effects during Ad-lib Mode:
  • Pauses the current duration of Healing Song buff and starts a 12 seconds cooldown for all party members; during this time, the buff is still functional, but will stop increasing its stacks
  • When the 12 seconds cooldown ends, the buff will be removed from all party members
  • Upon casting Ad-lib before the cooldown ends, Ad-lib Mode will be halted, and the caster will switch to Strumming Mode and resume the paused buff duration for all party members

  • Buff Effect:
  • Natural HP Recovery +50%
  • Natural MP Recovery +25%
  • Buff Duration: 15 minutes OR until removed by the effect of Ad-lib Mode

  • Extra info:
  • This skill - along with other Minstrel Song skills - cannot be cast if any non-Minstrel attack motion modifier skill is active (e.g. Rampage, Twin Storm,...); the latters can still be cast when a Minstrel Song is active, however
  • The Natural HP/MP Regen stats from equipments and avatars are added as base Natural HP/MP Regen; the bonuses from this buff are applied after base Natural HP/MP Regen is calculated
  • Only one Minstrel Song buff can be active at a time; if more than 1 party member are singing different songs, each of those members will only get their respective song buff, while all other members will only get one of those buffs with the following order:
    •    - The buff with the highest Skill Level will be prioritized to apply
    •    - If they have the same Skill Level, then the buff with the highest number of stacks will be prioritized to apply
    •    - If they also have the same number of stacks, then the buff that was activated first will be prioritized to apply
  • If this skill was activated outside of battle, moving your character will stop the Strumming motion, but will not change the buff to Ad-lib Mode
  • The Movement Speed modifier effect only applies during combat

  • Credits to Phantom Library and Cy's Grimoire for the info of the skill

    Fairy Song

    Skill Fairy Song Level 1

    Magic Device/Staff/Bowgun/Bow/2-Handed Sword/Katana only







    Combo start


    Combo middle





    A fairy's guidance. Increase accuracy and dodge rate. The effect increases when used continuously.
    Cannot be sung at the same time with other songs.


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    Skill Level:
    Number of stacks:
    "Guitarist" Registlet Level:

    Skill Effect:
  • Grants Fairy Song buff to the caster and their party members upon cast; the caster will also enter Strumming Mode
  • Fairy Song buff starts at 1 stack, and can be stacked up to a maximum of 10 stacks; recasting this skill will reset the stacks to 1

  • Strumming Mode Effects: Grants the following effects during Strumming Mode:
  • Increase Fairy Song buff stack by 1 every 12 seconds until reaching max stacks
  • Movement Speed of the caster is halved
  • Upon attacking, using a skill, or getting hit, the caster will switch to Ad-lib Mode

  • Ad-lib Mode Effects: Grants the following effects during Ad-lib Mode:
  • Pauses the current duration of Fairy Song buff and starts a 12 seconds cooldown for all party members; during this time, the buff is still functional, but will stop increasing its stacks
  • When the 12 seconds cooldown ends, the buff will be removed from all party members
  • Upon casting Ad-lib before the cooldown ends, Ad-lib Mode will be halted, and the caster will switch to Strumming Mode and resume the paused buff duration for all party members

  • Buff Effect:
  • Accuracy +20%
  • Dodge +10%
  • Buff Duration: 5 minutes OR until removed by the effect of Ad-lib Mode

  • Extra info:
  • This skill - along with other Minstrel Song skills - cannot be cast if any non-Minstrel attack motion modifier skill is active (e.g. Rampage, Twin Storm,...); the latters can still be cast when a Minstrel Song is active, however
  • Only one Minstrel Song buff can be active at a time; if more than 1 party member are singing different songs, each of those members will only get their respective song buff, while all other members will only get one of those buffs with the following order:
    •    - The buff with the highest Skill Level will be prioritized to apply
    •    - If they have the same Skill Level, then the buff with the highest number of stacks will be prioritized to apply
    •    - If they also have the same number of stacks, then the buff that was activated first will be prioritized to apply
  • If this skill was activated outside of battle, moving your character will stop the Strumming motion, but will not change the buff to Ad-lib Mode
  • The Movement Speed modifier effect only applies during combat

  • Credits to Phantom Library and Cy's Grimoire for the info of the skill

    Life Song

    Skill Life Song Level 1

    Magic Device/Staff/Bowgun/Bow/2-Handed Sword/Katana only







    Combo start


    Combo middle





    The beat of life. MaxHP increases and HP is restored. The effect increases when used continuously.
    Cannot be sung at the same time with other songs.


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    Skill Level:
    Number of stacks:
    "Guitarist" Registlet Level:

    Skill Effect:
  • Grants Life Song buff to the caster and their party members upon cast; the caster will also enter Strumming Mode
  • Life Song buff starts at 1 stack, and can be stacked up to a maximum of 10 stacks; recasting this skill will reset the stacks to 1

  • Strumming Mode Effects: Grants the following effects during Strumming Mode:
  • Increase Life Song buff stack by 1 every 12 seconds until reaching max stacks
  • Movement Speed of the caster is halved
  • Upon attacking, using a skill, or getting hit, the caster will switch to Ad-lib Mode

  • Ad-lib Mode Effects: Grants the following effects during Ad-lib Mode:
  • Pauses the current duration of Life Song buff and starts a 12 seconds cooldown for all party members; during this time, the buff is still functional, but will stop increasing its stacks
  • When the 12 seconds cooldown ends, the buff will be removed from all party members
  • Upon casting Ad-lib before the cooldown ends, Ad-lib Mode will be halted, and the caster will switch to Strumming Mode and resume the paused buff duration for all party members

  • Buff Effect:
  • MaxHP +2%
  • MaxHP +500
  • Heals an amount of HP equals to the HP Increase upon gaining stacks
  • Buff Duration: 10 minutes OR until removed by the effect of Ad-lib Mode

  • Extra info:
  • This skill - along with other Minstrel Song skills - cannot be cast if any non-Minstrel attack motion modifier skill is active (e.g. Rampage, Twin Storm,...); the latters can still be cast when a Minstrel Song is active, however
  • Only one Minstrel Song buff can be active at a time; if more than 1 party member are singing different songs, each of those members will only get their respective song buff, while all other members will only get one of those buffs with the following order:
    •    - The buff with the highest Skill Level will be prioritized to apply
    •    - If they have the same Skill Level, then the buff with the highest number of stacks will be prioritized to apply
    •    - If they also have the same number of stacks, then the buff that was activated first will be prioritized to apply
  • If this skill was activated outside of battle, moving your character will stop the Strumming motion, but will not change the buff to Ad-lib Mode
  • The Movement Speed modifier effect only applies during combat

  • Credits to Phantom Library and Cy's Grimoire for the info of the skill

    Fantasy Song

    Skill Fantasy Song Level 2

    Magic Device/Staff/Bowgun/Bow/2-Handed Sword/Katana only







    Combo start


    Combo middle





    Is it a dream or an illusion? The effect of the song is accumulated at fixed intervals. Restore MP with the effect after using a skill.
    Combo won't activate the effect. Cannot be sung at the same time with other songs.


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    Skill Level:

    Skill Effect:
  • Grants Fantasy Song buff to the caster and their party members upon cast; the caster will also enter Strumming Mode
  • Fantasy Song buff starts at 0 stacks, and can be stacked up to a maximum of 10 stacks; recasting this skill will reset the stacks to 0

  • Strumming Mode Effects: Grants the following effects during Strumming Mode:
  • Increase Fantasy Song buff stack by 1 every 6 seconds until reaching max stacks
  • Movement Speed of the caster is halved
  • Upon attacking, using a skill, or getting hit, the caster will switch to Ad-lib Mode

  • Ad-lib Mode Effects: Grants the following effects during Ad-lib Mode:
  • Pauses the current duration of Fantasy Song buff and starts a 12 seconds cooldown for all party members; during this time, the buff is still functional, but will stop increasing its stacks
  • When the 12 seconds cooldown ends, the buff will be removed from all party members
  • Upon casting Ad-lib before the cooldown ends, Ad-lib Mode will be halted, and the caster will switch to Strumming Mode and resume the paused buff duration for all party members

  • Buff Effect:
  • Upon performing an attack or using a skill other than Fantasy Song, consumes the stacks and recovers exactly 100 MP for each stack consumed
  • If the recovery amount would make your MP exceeds your MaxMP, it will only consume the highest number of stacks that would still haven't reach said excessiveness yet
  • Buff Duration: 3 minutes OR until removed by the effect of Ad-lib Mode

  • Extra info:
  • This skill - along with other Minstrel Song skills - cannot be cast if any non-Minstrel attack motion modifier skill is active (e.g. Rampage, Twin Storm,...); the latters can still be cast when a Minstrel Song is active, however
  • Unlike other Minstrel Song buffs, Fantasy Song buff stacks are counted separately for each member
  • Using Ad-lib can actually reduce the wait time for next stack by 1 second for each use, and if the wait time is lower than 1 second, said wait time reduction will be "saved" for the stack waiting after it; this only applies to other party members, however, not the caster. Check out Joji Torai's Fantasy Song explanation for more details about how that used to work (used to be 3 seconds before)
  • Only one Minstrel Song buff can be active at a time; if more than 1 party member are singing different songs, each of those members will only get their respective song buff, while all other members will only get one of those buffs with the following order:
    •    - The buff with the highest Skill Level will be prioritized to apply
    •    - If they have the same Skill Level, then the buff with the highest number of stacks will be prioritized to apply
    •    - If they also have the same number of stacks, then the buff that was activated first will be prioritized to apply
  • If this skill was activated outside of battle, moving your character will stop the Strumming motion, but will not change the buff to Ad-lib Mode
  • The Movement Speed modifier effect only applies during combat

  • Credits to Phantom Library and Cy's Grimoire for the info of the skill


    Skill Ad-lib Level 2

    Available with all weapons







    Combo start


    Combo middle





    Resumes an interrupted song before it completely loses its effect. Resuming a song restores MP. The amount of MP restored decreases if used with combo.


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    Skill Level:
    Skill is used in a combo:

  • MP Cost: 100 + MP Cost of the last active Minstrel Song played by the caster that was in Ad-lib Mode

  • Skill effect:
  • Resumes the last Minstrel Song played by the caster if its buff is still active, returning it to Strumming Mode if it was in Ad-lib Mode
  • Recovers 200 MP when this skill is used to resume a song from Ad-lib Mode; changes to 100 MP instead if this skill is used during a song's Strumming Mode

  • Extra info:
  • If any non-Minstrel attack motion modifier skill is active (e.g. Rampage, Twin Storm,...) while a Minstrel Song is in Ad-lib Mode, using this skill will neither resume that song to Strumming Mode, nor recover any MP; the MP Cost increase is still applied, however
  • Passion Song

    Skill Passion Song Level 3

    Magic Device/Staff/Bowgun/Bow/2-Handed Sword/Katana only







    Combo start


    Combo middle





    An incredibly strong and fierce determination. Increase elemental effect, but the effect will decrease when the combination is not right. The effect increases when used continuously.
    Cannot be sung at the same time with other songs.


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    Skill Level:
    Number of stacks:
    "Guitarist" Registlet Level:

    Skill Effect:
  • Grants Passion Song buff to the caster and their party members upon cast; the caster will also enter Strumming Mode
  • Passion Song buff starts at 1 stack, and can be stacked up to a maximum of 10 stacks; recasting this skill will reset the stacks to 1

  • Strumming Mode Effects: Grants the following effects during Strumming Mode:
  • Increase Passion Song buff stack by 1 every 12 seconds until reaching max stacks
  • Movement Speed of the caster is halved
  • Upon attacking, using a skill, or getting hit, the caster will switch to Ad-lib Mode

  • Ad-lib Mode Effects: Grants the following effects during Ad-lib Mode:
  • Pauses the current duration of Passion Song buff and starts a 12 seconds cooldown for all party members; during this time, the buff is still functional, but will stop increasing its stacks
  • When the 12 seconds cooldown ends, the buff will be removed from all party members
  • Upon casting Ad-lib before the cooldown ends, Ad-lib Mode will be halted, and the caster will switch to Strumming Mode and resume the paused buff duration for all party members

  • Buff Effect:
  • +1.5% Damage to Element upon attacking with the element that is strong against the element of the target
  • -1.5% Damage to Element upon attacking with the element that the element of the target is strong against; does not apply to skills with Dual Element attribute
  • Buff Duration: 3 minutes OR until removed by the effect of Ad-lib Mode

  • Extra info:
  • This skill - along with other Minstrel Song skills - cannot be cast if any non-Minstrel attack motion modifier skill is active (e.g. Rampage, Twin Storm,...); the latters can still be cast when a Minstrel Song is active, however
  • You must have Awaken Element or the attack that you use must have an element other than Neutral in order to get the buff effect
  • Only one Minstrel Song buff can be active at a time; if more than 1 party member are singing different songs, each of those members will only get their respective song buff, while all other members will only get one of those buffs with the following order:
    •    - The buff with the highest Skill Level will be prioritized to apply
    •    - If they have the same Skill Level, then the buff with the highest number of stacks will be prioritized to apply
    •    - If they also have the same number of stacks, then the buff that was activated first will be prioritized to apply
  • If this skill was activated outside of battle, moving your character will stop the Strumming motion, but will not change the buff to Ad-lib Mode
  • The Movement Speed modifier effect only applies during combat

  • Credits to Phantom Library and Cy's Grimoire for the info of the skill

    Wisdom Song

    Skill Wisdom Song Level 3

    Magic Device/Staff/Bowgun/Bow/2-Handed Sword/Katana only







    Combo start


    Combo middle





    Enlightenment through a great deal of knowledge. Reduce all kinds of damage. The effect increases when used continuously.
    Cannot be sung at the same time with other songs.


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    Skill Level:
    Number of stacks:
    "Guitarist" Registlet Level:

    Skill Effect:
  • Grants Wisdom Song buff to the caster and their party members upon cast; the caster will also enter Strumming Mode
  • Wisdom Song buff starts at 1 stack, and can be stacked up to a maximum of 10 stacks; recasting this skill will reset the stacks to 1

  • Strumming Mode Effects: Grants the following effects during Strumming Mode:
  • Increase Wisdom Song buff stack by 1 every 12 seconds until reaching max stacks
  • Movement Speed of the caster is halved
  • Upon attacking, using a skill, or getting hit, the caster will switch to Ad-lib Mode

  • Ad-lib Mode Effects: Grants the following effects during Ad-lib Mode:
  • Pauses the current duration of Wisdom Song buff and starts a 12 seconds cooldown for all party members; during this time, the buff is still functional, but will stop increasing its stacks
  • When the 12 seconds cooldown ends, the buff will be removed from all party members
  • Upon casting Ad-lib before the cooldown ends, Ad-lib Mode will be halted, and the caster will switch to Strumming Mode and resume the paused buff duration for all party members

  • Buff Effect:
  • Damage taken -2.5%
  • Buff Duration: 3 minutes OR until removed by the effect of Ad-lib Mode

  • Extra info:
  • This skill - along with other Minstrel Song skills - cannot be cast if any non-Minstrel attack motion modifier skill is active (e.g. Rampage, Twin Storm,...); the latters can still be cast when a Minstrel Song is active, however
  • Only one Minstrel Song buff can be active at a time; if more than 1 party member are singing different songs, each of those members will only get their respective song buff, while all other members will only get one of those buffs with the following order:
    •    - The buff with the highest Skill Level will be prioritized to apply
    •    - If they have the same Skill Level, then the buff with the highest number of stacks will be prioritized to apply
    •    - If they also have the same number of stacks, then the buff that was activated first will be prioritized to apply
  • If this skill was activated outside of battle, moving your character will stop the Strumming motion, but will not change the buff to Ad-lib Mode
  • The Movement Speed modifier effect only applies during combat

  • Credits to Phantom Library and Cy's Grimoire for the info of the skill