Appearance Submission Guide

By submitting a picture to Coryn Club, you are agree that Coryn Club may display and use that picture within this website. Every submitted picture needs moderator's approval before it will appear in item page. You get 5 contribution points for every approved pictures. This points shown in your profile page, and will be used for various purposes in future updates. The submitted picture should follow the rules explained in this page.

1. Dark Background

Your Equipment screen when in dark map or Synthesis screen is a good choice. Consignment Board, field map, or equipment screen in bright map is not good.

2. Your Character Should Wear Only The Said Item

Do not wear other equipments or avatars, because it will be confusing which item you want to show.

Not OK

3. The Item Should Be Shown Clearly

The item should not covered by your character's hair. Weapon can be shown in normal or battle mode, whichever shows the item better. Magic Device and 1H Sword should be shown in battle mode from behind. Knuckles should be shown in battle mode from front.

4. Picture Should Be Clear From Text, Button, Etc.

When uploading, select the cropping carefully so that any text, button, or border lines are not included.

5. Item Should Be in Their Original Color

No dye please :). You can synth your item with a non-dyed one to get a screenshot of non-dyed item (no need to proceed the synth process).


6. Do Not Cut The Head ^^;

It's ok to zoom-in to show the item better, but please don't cut the character's head, because it's just not comfortable to see ^^;.